UFO and Alien Couples Costume

Take us to your candy! Here comes another couples costume for all those who have been waiting, and it’s something from out of this world! We recently picked up a couple of Anagram balloons new Marblez, and we immediately thought “planets!” I love how the green and blue one looks like earth, and we thought to do these UFO and alien costumes to go along with the balloons. These are pretty simple to make, and you might have most of the supplies around your house already, so if any of you are need of a last minute costume, we’ve gotcha covered! Otherwise, is it too early to start planning your 2020 Halloween costumes?! 😉

For the UFO:
Foam board or cardboard
Silver ribbon
Acetate sheet
Red, yellow, and orange felt
Colored construction paper (for the lights on the spaceship)
Utility knife
Hot glue gun
Silver spray paint
Clear tape
Silver leotard
Yellow boots
Green sweater
Green pants


For the Alien Headband:
Foam balls
18-gauge wire
Plain headband
Black sharpie
Green acrylic paint
Green and white felt

1. Cut out a large trapezoid with your utility knife, using these measurements.

2. Next, using that as your stencil, trace and cut out five more. Measuring 4″ up, score each shape across so that they bend. This is how we’ll assemble the 3 dimensional UFO.

3. In a well ventilated area, spray paint each trapezoid silver, making sure to get the edges of the foam board as well. Allow them to dry completely.

4. Glue the six trapezoids together on each side, making sure to get the seams as close to possible to assemble your UFO.

5. Once the ship is assembled, cut out a half circle from your acetate sheet, and glue that onto one panel of the UFO. Print out this alien template and tape it to the window using clear tape.

6. Cut flames out of red, orange, and yellow felt and hot glue them to the bottom of your UFO. With your construction paper, cut out small circles for the UFO lights and hot glue them to the front.

7. Have a friend help you attach the ribbon straps to each side of the UFO so you can wear the costume!

8. For your final step, you are going to make the alien headband that Kyle is wearing! Wrap a plain headband in green felt. Paint various sizes of foam balls green (we used five) and using the wire, attach them to the headband. Glue white felt circles onto the front for the eyes, and then using a sharpie, color in the center to make an eyeball!

Beam me up Kyle, I have all the great candies! Haha! This may seem like a lot of work, but trust me, it is actually very easy to pull together! So all your last minute parties can be interstellar as well! This is also one of the costumes where you can be creative, and make your aliens look like whatever you want! Are they green, purple, or maybe pink? Ten eyes or four or only two? Let your imagination lead you. And don’t forget, if you all make any of our costumes, even the one’s from last year or older, be sure to tag us with #awwsamcostumeparty. We always do a big round-up of all the costumes at the end of the month!

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