Giant Avocado Shaped Rice Krispie

Now that Easter is over, I’m ready for Spring to really begin! What better way to usher in warmer weather then with everyone’s favorite, fresh brunch accessory?! Avocados!! 😉 I don’t know about you, but I love avocado; on toast, on tacos, or just plain with a little salt and pepper.

When we were brainstorming Easter projects, we thought of doing a giant rice krispie egg, but ended up not making one. Then I thought, aren’t avocados just eggs that are green? Ha! Get ready to be blown away because THIS guac is REALLY extra!

Believe it or not, we shaped this avocado using a football cake pan. We polled all of you on Insta Stories and a lot of you were convinced we were making a Hey Arnold football head. Hopefully you aren’t too disappointed to see that’s definitely NOT the case, although I love Hey Arnold just as much as the next 90’s kid!

Football cake pan (here)
1 3/4 bags of marshmallows
7 cups of rice krispies cereal
7 tablespoons of butter
Green, yellow, and brown food coloring
Vegetable shortening

1. Generously grease the inside of the football pan using vegetable shortening and set aside.

2. In a saucepan, on low, melt 2 tablespoons of butter, then add in about 1/2 of – bag of marshmallows. Stir constantly until they have started to melt completely. Turn off the heat and add in your green food coloring, mixing to get the color you want.

3. Now add 2 cups of rice krispies and mix them together. Put the finished mixture in your pan and spread it to fit the shape. This layer will be the outer shell, so make sure it’s relatively thin.

4. Repeat those steps again, this time making a slightly lighter green, then spread it over the first layer

5. Once more repeat steps 1-2, this time making a yellow center layer. Leave a small circle where you will place the pit of the avocado

6. Finally, melt 1 tablespoon of butter and add 1/4 of the second bag of marshmallows to the pan. Color this last batch brown and add 1 cup of rice krispies. Form this into a ball in your hands then place it into the circle you left out in the yellow.

7. Allow the whole avocado to harden and gently flex the sides of the pan to release the avocado.

Now I want some avocado toast! Fortunately, after all this hard work, you can take a big bite right out of your giant treat! If only we could make it avocado flavored! Haha! We are going to try to brainstorm more giant rice krispies for the future, what kind would you like to see??

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4 Responses

  1. Okay? Haha. Whatever you got to tell yourself! ‘When we were brainstorming Easter projects, we thought of doing a giant rice krispie egg, but ended up not making one. Then I thought, aren’t avocados just eggs that are green? Ha! Get ready to be blown away because THIS guac is REALLY extra!’

  2. Rice Krispie treats are so much fun to make! I recently made my very first one, and it’s honestly taken a lot of restraint to not turn into a Rice Krispie treat-themed blog 😂 There’s just so many things that you could turn them into!

    Also, I’m super impressed that you got this to stand up, it looks quite heavy!

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