DIY Mini Lawn Flamingo Pumpkins


We’re back with another fun DIY pumpkin project folks! And I have been so excited to share this one because we’re making lawn flamingo pumpkins. And mini ones at that! I found some mini flamingos on Amazon a few weeks ago (Amazon Prime is seriously the best, right?) and I’ve been dying to turn them into something. Thus, the mini lawn flamingo pumpkins were born! For all of you that aren’t the biggest fans of the Halloween colors and miss Summer days already, this one’s for you. Now let’s flamingle!



Mini lawn flamingos (here)
Mini pumpkins
Pink latex paint or spray paint
Hot glue gun




1. Using a small saw, cut the heads off of the mini lawn flamingos.

2. Paint your mini pumpkins pink and allow to dry completely.

3. Hot glue the flamingo head to the pumpkins and stick the flamingo legs in the bottom of the pumpkin.

4. Stick into your lawn or a planter!


5-lawnflamingopumpkins 2-lawnflamingopumpkins

Who’s ready to decorate their place with these now?! I know I have some planters that could use a little flamingo pumpkin addition. And if you’re looking for other DIY pumpkin ideas too, make sure to check out our snapchat filter pumpkins!

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