Shaped DIY Birthday Candles!

Summertime definitely feels like birthday season (so many people I know have birthdays during the Summer season, me included!) and during my recent search online for fun birthday candles I realized there just simply aren’t enough! So being the crazy DIY-er I am, I figured why not make my own fun birthday candles and show you guys how easy it is to do too? Believe it or not, all of the shaped candles in this post were made and not bought!! Yes, even the smiley faces. 🙂  This is such a great project to make with friends, and it’s always really satisfying to take your candle out of the mold and see your creation. Did you guys ever use those candle-making kits when you were a kid? Well, it’s sort of like that, only way more fun!



Microwavable candle wax (here)
Crayons in various colors
Candle wicks
Chocolate molds (ice cream, lips, shoe, letter, number, fruit)
Paper candy sticks
Disposable microwavable cups
Gel food coloring (to draw on the candles)


1. Remove the paper and break up the color crayon you want to use into very small pieces. Add it to a cup of the microwavable wax and microwave for 30 seconds at a time until the wax is liquid. Mix the wax well to incorporate the color of the crayon.

2. Pour the wax into the chocolate mold and add a paper candy stick. Don’t worry about the wax getting on the stick, you can clean that off later.

3. Grab a candle wick and place that in the top of the mold you are using. Allow the candle to dry completely before removing from the mold. You should be able to tell when it is dried if the mold no longer feels warm to touch.

4. Once the candle is completely dry, carefully pull the sides of the mold to release it and remove it from the mold. Remove any excess wax from the stick by running it under hot water and cleaning off with a paper towel.

5. To draw on the candles like I did with the smiley faces, mix a little bit of gel food coloring with water and use a clean brush to paint faces or designs on the candles.

6. Repeat these steps for all other candles!


Project execution: Cassidy Claus | Concept, Styling, and Photography: Aww Sam

Your birthday cakes are never going to be boring now! Especially not when you can put a giant high-heeled shoe candle on top. Ha! Happy birthday to all of you Summer babies!

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